Rotational Molding Machine parts replacement and upgrades

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Some basic care and of fast execution show the extreme importance of control, detection, and troubleshooting in the rotomoulding machines. After all, the cost of scheduled maintenance is exponentially smaller than the cost of unscheduled maintenance. 

The activities and necessary procedures must be defined according to each company process reality. That is why good management is fundamental for optimizing the results. Unscheduled stops represent unnecessary repairs, production loss, delivery delay, labor waste, among others inconveniences.

See tips for maintenance that, despite the sample, are useful tips for containment, detection, and troubleshooting.

How often?

To define the frequency with which equipment maintenance should be carried out, it is necessary to consider factors such as: 

Machine age;

History of occurrences;

Manufacturer's recommendation;

Critically degree of activities 

How to perform the maintenance and upgrade in machines

Check vibrations or noise

These signals can indicate the presence of worn or broken bearings, lack of lubrication, damaged belts and, gears or misaligned or unbalanced components.

Check the excess of residues inside the oven and in the recirculation duct to assess if is necessary to make a clean. If there is a residue accumulation inside the oven, this material can stick on the rotor blades and make it to be unbalanced. Some rotor unbalance consequence is damaged bearings, plain bearings, on the shaft, motor, and other components.

Check for cracks 

The unbalance causes excessive vibration, that way, the power, and the period can cause cracks on the machine's components. Moreover, the rotational molding process submits the arm to a significant difference of temperature in a short time, many times throughout the day. Therefore, cracks are an alert of the necessity of arms replacement.

Avoid excessive heating

Measuring the recirculation bearings temperature is important to check if has excessive heating. This problem can be a signal of excess friction because due to lack of lubrication, worn parts, excessive load, among other causes.

This measurement offers some diagnoses. One this is to know if the working temperature is above normal. For example, is recommended that the recirculation fan bearings work on a temperature of 40°C (104°F). If during the measurement you notice that the temperature is above that, it can mean excess or lack of lubrication or even a damaged bearing. 

Check the V-belt conditions

Over time and usage of machines, happen natural wear. For example, the belts can get dry, the bolts and nuts may loosen due to vibration, the belt loses tension. In addition, oxidation, in general, can arise, among other problems.

Checking the recirculation v-belts condition and tensioning, allows you to periodically certify that the belts are in good condition and properly tensioned.

Clean up tubes and connections 

The pipes can be damaged or obstructed, causing problems in the machines. Visual inspections and preventive maintenance guarantee the operation of elements whose structure has pipes and connections.

Therefore, it is important to clean the pressure/vacuum system pipes using compressed air. After all, keeping the pipe unobstructed is essential to ensure the good condition of the pressure switches and, consequently, the burner. Never blow air on the pressure switch, this might damage it, always do it on the opposite way.

Rotoline specialized technical assistance

The Rotoline develops and manufactures its machines for rotational molding, considering all expansion efforts and contraction caused by the process. However, due to use, there will inevitably be a natural need to maintain or replace components. 

For this reason, visual inspection and preventive maintenance techniques must be used, which guarantee a longer service life for the machine components. In addition, it is recommended to review and periodic training on the procedures both operation as machine maintenance. Keeping the team aligned and committed to the maintenance of the machine is also a guarantee of the availability of this equipment.

Rotoline has specialized technical assistance for customer service. It offers inspection and training services and maintenance procedures (preventive, predictive, corrective). Additionally, it assists in developing specific plans according to the actual situation of the equipment on the client.

Have a stock with adjustment parts

Another aspect that ensures the machine availability is a spare parts stock with pieces accordingly. Even having a preventive maintenance plan, there may be unscheduled breaks. Therefore, it is recommended to have this stock.

A lista de peças que compõem a sugestão de itens foi definida juntamente com seus clientes, considerando fatores como histórico de ocorrências, modelo de máquina e condições atuais específicas do equipamento –  geralmente definido durante visita técnica ao cliente. 

It is a list of parts for immediate replacement, formed by components essential for the operation of the machines. The establishment of a spare parts stock does not represent a significant investment compared to the losses resulting from stopped machines. Therefore, customers have adhered to this procedure, as they understand the need to purchase these replacement parts. 

Exchanging parts and upgrading Rotoline rotational molding machines involves:

* Computer kit;

* New cycle report;

* CLP migration;

* Retrofit of the recirculation and exhaust fan drive;

* Retrofit spray fans;

* Doorstop sensors;

* Kit security stickers;

* Rotomolded cooling fans;


* Gas flow meter;

* Dual airline system.

Do you want to know more about Rotoline rotational molding machines? Visit our website..



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